The Essentials List for Healing

This is what I followed. It helped me get back to basics.


  • Drinking water should be distilled / or reverse osmosis. I did the for about 2 years. After which I switched to a filter that removed all the usual plus fluoride.
  • Avoid plastics, especially water bottles.
  • Filter your bath and shower water. Your skin absorbs more water than you can drink.

Food & Eating

  • Intermittent fasting aim for 13-16 hours every day. A must!
  • Mediterranean diet is an overall healthy diet mainly whole fruits and vegetables with very occasional beef, lamb, or dairy (once a month or less). This is perhaps one of the safest diets and has data to prove longevity.
  • Ketogenic diet I have to mention this diet, ONLY because it is a hot topic. But after 6 months on the Keto Diet my cancer started growing faster. SO take caution, this diet is only for some cancers while and specifically only studied while on treatment. It is not ideal off of treatment and for long term use. Get keto strips to check your body for keytones. The beginning is hard, you will feel terrible. After 2 months your body will become accustomed to keytones and will not show on the strips anymore. By that point you will be able to tell by your sleep and energy levels if you are still in ketosis.
  • To eat meats or not? If you do stick to:
    Grass-fed beef or lamb. Very occasionally.
    Pastured eggs and chicken. Limited.
    Eat wild fish, salmon is best.
  • Going Vegan. I recommend mainly sticking to a mediterranean / vegan diet to avoid any unwanted animal byproducts. However, make sure you body can assimilate omega 3’s and other essential nutrients, if your like me my body cannot break down omega 3 from chia seeds or other vegan products so I need to supplement with fish oils or eat fish.
  • Organic fruits and vegetables only. Pesticides must be avoided as much as possible.
  • Very low carbohydrates and starches. This includes quinoa, millet, brown rice, beans, spelt bread, potatoes, yams.
  • Absolutely no sugar. Only 100% stevia leaf, 100% stevia extract or 100% monk fruit extract, do not use stevia mixed with xylitol or erythritol, this spikes insulin levels.
  • Absolutely no dairy. Use organic unsweetened coconut milk, other dairy milks are too high in carbohydrates and additives. Or try making your own almond milk. Just soak almonds overnight in filtered salted water. Rinse, remove skins and place in high speed blender with water.
  • Soy products must be organic non-GMO. There is a lot of controversy around soy, so just keep things in moderation.
  • No caffeine. Stick to green tea for a boost, chamomile, peppermint, or ginger.
  • Aim to keep your urine alkaline 7.0. Use test strips to check your urine first thing in the morning and through out the day. If you are unable to get your body to a consistent alkaline state with food, then start off every day with drinking sauerkraut juice on an empty stomach. The shift will take about 2 months. Remember cancer releases lactic acid and like attracts like. Sauerkraut juices are high in lactic acid and help remove excess acid from the body.


  • 15-20 mins of cardio exercise daily – rebounding is best for lymphatic drainage. Whatever exercise you choose you must work up a sweat.
  • In addition to cardio, aim for 10,000 steps a day or more on top of cardio exercise.

Sleep & Rest

  • Sleep by 10-11pm and aim for 8 – 10 hours sleep. This is crucial for healing, as the liver works to clean the body from 11 to 3am.
  • Rest. Outside of exercising the other time should be spent resting.
  • Take care of yourself as you would a baby.


  • Keep a high body temperature. You can do this through taking hot baths in filtered water, using an infrared mats or infrared sauna daily.
  • Remove toxicity. This includes eating clean, stress, people, thoughts/emotions.
  • Stop any bad habits. Smoking, drinking, working long hours…
  • Emotional healing. Work on healing past emotions through therapy. Look for practitioners that heal past emotions using tapping or through healing journeys.
  • Aim for 2 to 3 bowel movements daily. You want to keep things moving. Eating a high fibre diet will help get things moving along with drinking plenty of water. Another aid, is using far infrared heat, this helps stimulate the bowel especially in the morning. I also recommend enemas, to help keep things moving and cleared out. To start do a 10 day enema detox and then maintain 2 times per week. See The Famous Coffee Enema for details.
  • Spend time in nature gaining negative ions. You can do this by walking barefoot on grass, resting by trees or being on water.

Daily Supplementation Backed by Research

Firstly, always take breaks from your supplements and change them up. If you have had or live with cancer, your cancer will learn them and start to ignore them… rotating your supplements every several months will help avoid this. When ever possible try getting your nutrients from food rather than through supplements.

  • Vitamin D3 with K2 – 20 mins of sun a day on skin, face and eyelids, if no access to sun use 3000 UI per day. Get a blood test to check your vitamin D levels, if low increase supplementation until they reach the high normal range.
  • Modified Citrus Pectin, PectaSol-C by ecoNugenics – 15 grams daily. Shown to help combat cancer from spreading pre-and post- surgically and keeps your electrolyte balance and potassium levels up.
  • Vitamin C – 2000mg with bioflavonoids daily minimum and high-dose vitamin C IVs minimum 50,000mg via vein or if you have a port-line higher doses are more beneficial. A blood test is required before starting. This works to boost your immune system and is cytotoxic to cancer cells. However, the benefit is lost when you stop.
  • Mushrooms – not all mushrooms are equal, look for high beta-glucans, 30% or more.
  • Resveratrol – Found on skin of grapes this is shown to combat cancer.
  • Curcumin – CurQFen – combats inflammation associated with cancer.
  • CoQ10 – must be ubiquinol form – increases energy and cellular health.
  • Zinc – minimum 25mg – 50 mg daily immune function and healing.
  • Vitamin E8 – 400mg cellular health and healing.
  • Selenium 200mcg as essential as magnesium. Take 2 brazil nuts daily or supplement. Shown to work synergistically with tamoxifen to increase efficacy of the drug.
  • Probiotic taken before bed and should contain Bacillus Subtilis gut health is your foundation for cellular health. Include fermented foods as sauerkraut in your diet as prebiotic nutrition.
  • Digestive enzymesHypo-Zymase by Physica Energetics with each meal or minimum with dinner. Get this from your naturopath.
  • Melatonin 15-20 mg time-released an hour before bed – build up from 3mg over time and stick with what you can tolerate, for me 15mg is my maximum more than that and it wakes me up. Shown to inhibit breast cancer cells and works synergistically with tamoxifen.
  • Magnesium 400 – 600mg daily 10pm essential for health and wellbeing.
  • Calcium D-Glucarate part of your daily detox regime.
  • BioResponse DIM/ or I3C– 400mg daily – shown to reduce breast cancer risk and recurrence. If you have low testosterone levels I caution with DIM. This lowers testosterone and increases oestrogen levels. Many are not aware of this!
  • Alpha-Liopic Acid – Detoxes heavy metals in the body, start with 150 – 300mg and build up over time as part of your detox process.
  • Inositol hexaphosphate (IP6). Good to increase your immune system. Fast to increase your serum lymphocytes counts. One month of use increased mine by .3.

Note: Do not take vitamin B12, Iron, Glutathione, NAC or any precursor to glutathione unless this is part of your treatment plan. These can drive cancer not every naturopathy or physician knows this so do your research.

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