And Then It Was Over…

It’s bitter sweet when what you have known for the last 2 years comes to an end. Your whole mind is involved and focused around being sick. Your daily life revolves around the next medical appointment.

Nothing in my mind existed outside of here and now. No future plans, travel, work/career, goals … nothing… just a focus to get better.

In this new chapter there will still be appointments, but the stress leading up to surgery, while praying for clear pathology, is over.

In the back of mind, there is the fear of going through this again. However, I am not the same person and I have learned a great deal. I know what I would and wouldn’t do if this were to happen again.

My number ONE challenge in this journey was: Wanting to be well informed!

I realized after my first surgery, that my medical team and I were driving blind together. No amount of imaging or prep work could compensate for clear hard facts: A Pathology Report.

Realizing the importance of facts while embracing the emotional challenges of facing cancer is a fine balance. Your primary medical team deals in facts, while you need to creatively tune into the right steps for you. This may be through faith, data, learning from others, tuning into your body, therapy or solely trusting in your health care providers.

I started this post the day after my last radiation treatment Feb. 15, 2020. Now over one year later I can say that getting through cancer treatments was easier than what comes next. Caring for your new body and keeping yourself a priority as life demands creep back in.

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