If it wasn’t enough to endure yet another surgery, a month of antibiotics left my already radiated body with yet more yeast.
The good is I made several discoveries.
One, you ever hear of post nasal drip? Well I had this on and off for many years. It came back again during radiation. Little did I know, radiation wipes out your gut flora. Even if you only have radiation to one part of your body.
Killing yeast in your body is no easy task.
My yeast had gotten to the point where I was having night sweats and fevers. As soon as I started Candicin by Genestra my night sweats went away and fever never came back.
Unfortunately, this alone wasn’t strong enough. I then went on to try caprylic acid, MCT, olive leaf, Candibactin by Metagenics at night. After 3 months I had improved a lot but still it kept coming back.
Diet is also another important aspect but not entirely.
After 2 years of trying everything I could find, I received advice from a health food store, they recommended ParaGone instead of focusing on Candida related products, especially after having this issue for so long.
Guess what?! It worked.
For 6 weeks I didn’t change my diet drastically just maintained no gluten, no white processed foods (white rice), and no dairy. I still had honey and some other sweets in small amounts. I took a 2 week course of ParaGone and took a 5 day break before starting another 2 week course. I use garlic supplements and probiotics to maintain the balance now and feeling better than I have in 2 years.